Saxon Star Diagonal

$99.00 inc GST


Designed for astronomical observation using any Refractor or Cassegrain design telescope.

Mirror-type diagonal with a 1.25″ barrel format.

Maximum light yield for excellent performance.

Supply includes set-screw to securely hold your eyepiece in place.


Do you have a refractor or cassegrain-style telescope and need a decent diagonal?

Tired of twisting your head around to get a view?

Is your 45 degree diagonal a pain in the neck?

Then check out the Saxon 1.25″ Star Diagonal…

Designed to fit all standard 1.25″ focusers or those adapted to that size, the Saxon 1.25″ Star Diagonal provides you with a right angle, 90 degree format. It is a mirror-style that offers you good light transmission and includes a thumb-screw to securely hold your eyepieces in place.


Saxon 1.25″ Diagonal Features…

* Mirror-style with good light transmission

* 90 degree, right angle viewing

* Thumbscrew for securely holding your eyepieces

* Maximum yield for all refractor or SCT design telescopes


Saxon 1.25″ Star Diagonal Specifications…

Optics Type : Star Diagonal

Size : 1.25″

Type : Mirror

Angle : 90 degree

Model Number : DM003

Additional information

Weight6 kg
Dimensions17 × 10 × 10 cm